Monday, October 18, 2010

Plus Size Bloggers Weigh In - October 18

Current Weight - 343.6

Last week - 347.8

Beginning Weight - 348.8

So, this week I lost a total of 4.2 pounds.
I've lost 5.2 in all since the beginning of this challenge.

I have NO EARTHLY idea how I lost this week. I have felt out of control and miserable and have mainly lived the life of the great brown bear...slept and ate. (Sadly, I have not mated, but that is another blog story)

I feel heartened, without a doubt. I was honestly expecting to be back over into the 350's this morning which would have prompted a run through StarBucks for a lovely, creamy-filled Spiced Pumpkin Latte. And now, thankfully, I can do without it.

*phew* I feel like a dodged a bullet. I look forward to seeing how the rest of you critters did!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What You Say....Matters

So, I've been living not-so-blissfully in the land of craptastic for the last few days. I'm having some family issues and some financial issues and some I Probably Just Need To Get Laid issues. And all of that, of course, translates into food issues. Why is it that we let things *outside* of our bodies affect what goes *into* our bodies so much? Well, I do that anyway.

So, this morning I had my regular breakfast which always works for me. And I don't get hungry until my morning snack, around 10, which is an apple, and then I'm good until lunch. But this morning I was hungrier than a homeless hounddog. So I grabbed a dollar bill from my purse, ran to the vending, and bought a BROWNIE. Oh yes, nothing like pre-packaged, God knows how old, faux brownie goodness to set things to the right. *eyepoke*

As I was opening up my brownie, I logged on so I could whine and moan *while* eating the faux brownie....and there they were....comments on my Plus Size Bloggers Challenge post....from people I've never spoken to. Strangers who came by to give encouragement and say hello. People who have no stake whatsoever in how I do or what I eat. People who read Jack Sh*t and Mrs. Fatass and RNTG and KNOW what GOOD BLOGGING looks like.

And yet, they took time for me.

I'm a little wibbly about it, to be quite honest.

So that brownie? Chucked into the trash. I polished my apple and grabbed a wedge of Laughing Cow Light Swiss and was good to go. Still am.

Thank you. You lifted me today. And THAT is a pretty considerable feat, lemme tell ya. You might want to take a rest now.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Plus Size Bloggers Weigh In - October 11

Weight - 347.8 pounds

Let's hear it for a big poo!!!!

My goals for this week are to write everything down. Everything. Every nibble.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Plus Size Bloggers Weigh In: October 4

Weight: 348.8
Chest: 58 inches
Neck: 16 3/4 inches
Waist: 56 inches


I'm only going to check my measurements on the first of the month for this challenge.

I Officially Call A DO OVER On this Week

There are *so* many craptastic things that have marked this week that I hardly know where to begin. The one that is heaviest (haha pun haha) on my heart right now is the fact that Mr. Scale (that bastard) says that I have gained TWELVE FRIGGIN POUNDS since last week.

12. Ladies and Gentlemen, that is TEN PLUS TWO. SIX PLUS SIX. I mean, How the HELL did that happen? That's almost 7,200 calories A DAY OVER what I expended. I am a bit boggled. Part of me wants to utterly chuck my hands in the air and say screw it. But fear not, the other part of me is giving myself a rather harsh spanking and not in the good way. I know that there are things that could *add* to that number...Water Weight....Maybe I need to Poo. Maybe there are Tiny Green Men hiding in my panties. Very small rocks. Wev. Regardless, I've not done a good job of caring for my body this week and that disappoints me with myself. That's code, by the way, for "generally pisses me off". So we move on to the next week, right? We hit it again. I hit it myself. I write down the food. I find ways to move my body, even in increments. I stop whining about it and do something.

Second craptastic thing: Yeast infection. I won't give details on that, but I WILL say that I am all in a dither about where to scratch because there is not only the yeast infection but there is also POISON FREAKING IVY!!!!

Seriously. Just give me a pill and let me sleep for a week until this crap goes away.

I've been reading over at ReResults Not Typical Girl about the Plus Size Bloggers October Challenge I should do this? Y/Y?

Who want's to come join me?

Here's to a more healty, less itchy/scratchy week.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Yes, I *Did* Think I Could Just Breeze Right On By the Sunday Weigh In

Bleh. I gained a pound last week, so now instead of 100 in 50, I've got to do 101 in 49. LOL. Hay...I love upping the odds for myself. Double bleh.

So, this week, I:

1. got lost in the woods
2. battled through some serious jealousy and resentment of my sister
3. got a raise at work
4. contemplated moving to West Virginia (still on the table, by the way)
5. got a rash where there should never be a rash
6. discovered my kid's brighter than I originally thought
7. confirmed my dislike of soccer because of the insurmountable 1 to Nothing Lead

All in all, a rather thrilling week.
Look, I just report the news, you know?

In reality, my heart has been heavy over the needless deaths of kids who were bullied because they were gay. It seems like everyone everywhere is waging a campaign...Wear Purple on the 20th... It's all well and good, but it doesn't change the fact that there are some shitty people out there who will continue to be shitty. I don't know what the answer is.

I want to raise a kid who *doesn't* hurt other people.
I want to raise a kid who doesn't call the fat girl in his class "Big Mama".
I want to raise a kid who doesn't use words that shame and marginalize others just because they are different.
I want to raise a kid who stands up for others.
I want to raise a kid who is strong in himself, so that if he is the victim of such bullying, it doesn't change what he knows about *him*.

It scares the crap out of me, you know?..this whole "Mama" thing. Losing 100 pounds is NOTHING compared to THAT.