There are *so* many craptastic things that have marked this week that I hardly know where to begin. The one that is heaviest (haha pun haha) on my heart right now is the fact that Mr. Scale (that bastard) says that I have gained TWELVE FRIGGIN POUNDS since last week.
12. Ladies and Gentlemen, that is TEN PLUS TWO. SIX PLUS SIX. I mean, How the HELL did that happen? That's almost 7,200 calories A DAY OVER what I expended. I am a bit boggled. Part of me wants to utterly chuck my hands in the air and say screw it. But fear not, the other part of me is giving myself a rather harsh spanking and not in the good way. I know that there are things that could *add* to that number...Water Weight....Maybe I need to Poo. Maybe there are Tiny Green Men hiding in my panties. Very small rocks. Wev. Regardless, I've not done a good job of caring for my body this week and that disappoints me with myself. That's code, by the way, for "generally pisses me off". So we move on to the next week, right? We hit it again. I hit it myself. I write down the food. I find ways to move my body, even in increments. I stop whining about it and do something.
Second craptastic thing: Yeast infection. I won't give details on that, but I WILL say that I am all in a dither about where to scratch because there is not only the yeast infection but there is also POISON FREAKING IVY!!!!
Seriously. Just give me a pill and let me sleep for a week until this crap goes away.
I've been reading over at ReResults Not Typical Girl about the Plus Size Bloggers October Challenge I should do this? Y/Y?
Who want's to come join me?
Here's to a more healty, less itchy/scratchy week.
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