Sunday, September 19, 2010

In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning

This post was supposed to be titled "I'm Creepy, But That's Part Of My Charm".  But that was an inside joke.  Except that if you know me you know it's really not so much.  Ha.

And it's not *really* the wee, small hours of the morning.  In fact, it's just around 10 in the evening, but that officially makes it about two hours past my bedtime and pretty much guarantees a bit of disgruntlement on my part tomorrow.  Not much, you understand, because I am, by nature, an Oh So Very Sunny Soul.

The Watchers of the Weight was joined today.  My leader reminds me very much of a WW Leader I knew in a former life iteration and I am alternately thrilled and heartbroken.  But she is lovely.  And you could see her eyes light up when I walked into the door.  "THIS ONE WILL MAKE ME A STAR AND PUT ME IN THE WW LEADER HALL OF FAME", was clearly what she was thinking.  Bless her heart.

There was a lady with unfortunate orthodonture in the class who was a lifetime member.  There was a mom and daughter team.  And there was Carol who will be having heart surgery next week and Linda who snuck into the closet where we keep all the early 80's clothes and is putting on a fashion show.  Her goal is to lose 100 pounds and star in the remake of "Flashdance".

And they are brave.  Weight Watchers in Trussville, Alabama sits right directly in between the China Buffet and the Frontiera Grill.  You see where I'm going with this, I'm sure.  It seems like it would make more sense to put the WW next to the Fluffy Ladies Clothing store, or PetSmart, or maybe even an Open MRI office.  Right in the middle of Supreme Loaded Nachos and Seseme Chicken may not have been the best choice.  I'm just sayin'.


  1. Oh, Angela...I wish you well with the WW...I've tried it so many times and the eating healthy and stuff. I even wrote a lens on Squidoo about cooking light!'ll have to read that might even get some good ideas for your WW. However, as I'm not working and have no money and living with Leighanne and Jason and having to eat what they fix, portion control is going to become my worst enemy...I must learn portion control! Leighanne is such a fabulous cook!

    Good luck, sweetheart...I want to see you soon!

  2. Oh, yeah...meant to give you the link.


  3. OHHH thanks for the link Judy! I'll check that out!

    We all have to fight the battle where ever we are. I struggle with living with folks who think children who don't have access to chocolate chip cookies are deprived.
