Monday, September 27, 2010

My Deep Thoughts 4 U - What's Your Rush?

No, really. What are you in a hurry for? In the weight loss game, it seems that folks are all about the quick fix. (You know this…you know all of this…read it anyway.) Even in Weight Watchers, or when people are just “changing their habits”, there is an almost constant refrain of “I just lost a tenth of a pound this week” or “I’ve only lost 5 pounds in the last month” or “I’ve been working out for a year, but I’ve only lost 12 pounds” or “I stayed the same..didn’t lose ANYTHING” or, after losing for 4 consecutive weeks, “OH NOES, I GAINED A HALF A POUND!!!”

We need a new perspective on this process. We need to stop just talking about the concept that the most important thing is to “live healthy” and start really believing it.

If your idea of success in weight loss is to lose 5 pounds a week until it’s all gone, then you are *not* going to be a success. I know, I know…this is pretty easy for me to say coming on the heels of a 6.8 pound loss. But the reality is, I have a great deal to lose, so in the beginning it *is* going to go faster than someone with, say, 50 pounds to lose. And if you want to bitch about the unfairness of that, then here…you take my 336 pound ass and I’ll take your 200 and you can lose fast and I’ll lose slow and we’ll call it even.

It’s important to know what brought you to where you are. It’s important to recognize it…to look at all sides of it…to really get it in your head that the extra weight you carry is about more than just the fact that you sat at the table and ate more than you should. Calories in > Calories out may be the truth at the end of the day as far as the physics of your body, but unless you’ve got the right equation in your head, it’ll never work.

You’ve got to love yourself where you are. You’ve got to accept the you that you are *right* *now*. If you can’t accept that person, then you will forever find flaws with anyone else you become. You can hit your goal weight, but your thighs or your ass or your boobs won’t look like you thought they would. Or you’ll have the under the arm bat wings. Or your hair will have thinned some. And you will look at that you and you’ll *hate* it and go right back to your comfort food of mac and cheese or Wendy’s singles or McDonald’s fries.

I know that most of you will scoff at this, but find a way to enjoy your journey. Find a way to appreciate the wisdom of the things you learn along the way. Savor the anticipation of the next 5 pounds lost. Open your eyes to each little new thing your body can accomplish as it gets leaner and healthier.

Don’t wait until you are *there* to start living your life…to start appreciating who you are. Life is happening NOW. Grab it. Don’t live perpetually in the desire to be somewhere else.