Tuesday, September 21, 2010

In Which I Chuck the Idea for Today's Post In Favor Of Something Ever Much More Wonderful

Why are you even here reading this blog instead of over at *Results Not Typical girl????? I am NOT SO MUCH with linking, so wev, but FIND HER IN THE BLOGS I READ TO THE RIGHT. DO IT NOW!!!!

I hereby declare her to be Queen Of All Things Sparkly.


She's exhorting folks to toot their own horn, basically, which is an awesome thing because if we tooted more, we'd all be a little less gassy.

Stepping out into the blogosphere as I am doing here at Grits and Pieces is a huge step for me. I love the relative annonymity and fangirlish fun that is LiveJournal. I love catching up with all of my old school buds and family on FaceBook. But. I wear specific faces there. But right here...this here stuff is ALL ME baybee. No faces, no masks, nada.

So, if you are one of my old Bible Thumpin' buddies who have followed me over, you may find yourself occasionally offended by my mouth or my thoughs or my general "humanness". I have not been perfected by Christ yet, much as I'd like to make you believe I have.

If you are one of my precious Heathen friends, you may find yourself offended by the posts in which I share exactly what is in my heart...it might make you uncomfortable...it might make you think something different about the "person" I am and how I identify.

If you are one of my conservative friends or if your name is Joe, you might find yourself completely turned off by the times when I wax all poetical about my feminist viewpoint.

Likewise, if I know you through my feminazi loving blogs, you may find things I say an utterly INCORRECT SPOUTING of YOUR idea of feminism.

If you are my tree hugging friends, you may want to yell at the fact that I'm proud that I flush the toilet. (Yeah, inside joke..wot).

But THIS is ME. I'm a Christian. I'm a feminist. I'm a mommy. I'm sexually aroused by dark skinned men from California. I have political beliefs that I like to talk about. I certainly have religious beliefs I like to talk about. I am from the South and for all my fussing, I love the South. I'm fat and while I'm working on that, let me tell you....I LOVE ME...JUST THE HELL LIKE I AM. I may NOT lose another pound and I refuse to be miserable inside my own damned skin just because I don't fit someone's ideal. I'll be as healthy as I can be, both physically, mentally and spiritually. By the same token, flying sucks NOT because an airline sucks but because MY ASS IS TOO BIG FOR THE SEAT. The Fat Acceptance Folks probably wouldn't like me because while I'm all about being accepted, I don't think I need to be catered to. HOWEVER, if someone decides to cater to me, they are more likely to get my money. Hello free marketplace.


Wow. Verbal vomitation much?

So, here's why I'm awesome...I'm going to be me. Just me. Anyone I lose because I'm *me*, wasn't really mine to begin with yanoo?

Now, if I could just figure out how to insert that damned Smurfy Blog gif.

ETA: Well, I got the smurfy picture, but I don't have the slideshow thingy so now it just look like I have a thing for Smurfs. Don't judge me.


  1. At least I didn't get lumped in with the Conservatives, well or the Liberals for that matter.

    Besides, deep down I know you are as gender biased as the rest of us.

  2. Joe, I can't really lump you in with *anything* except "boys who have arms that make me drool".

    I like you like that.

  3. "I'll be as healthy as I can be, both physically, mentally and spiritually." ((FAT GIRL CHEST BUMP))

    If you ever throw a parade for yourself let me know and I'll learn to twirl a baton or some weird ass shit like that.

    thanks for the warm fuzzy shout out. it's merely a reflection of the parts you love about yourself that you happen to see in me. it's all self-love baby and it's all good.

    happy day!

